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floating cloud
Magnetically Leviating ambient LED lamp.
about the technology
the secret sauce of levitation technology
we make it float
'We invent, design and prototype levitation technology and floating products'
module showcase
our technology is far for anybody who wants to create something extraordinary
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get inspired
get inspired
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floating cloud
Magnetically Leviating ambient LED lamp.
Jaw dropping levitation technology
‘We invent, design and prototype
magnetic levitation technology’
We are Crealev
We are not something you come across every day. We exist to make heads turn. At the end of the day; this is what people will be talking about.
We are Crealev and we provide magnetic levitation technology to businesses, agencies, designers and tinkers.
We offer various off the shelf levitation modules that can be bought directly from the web shop. But if an off the shelf solution won’t do for your project, we can help you by creating a custom levitation solution. We also provide bespoke display and product integrations.
Next to that, levitation technology can power your business in a unique way. By floating your product in mid-air it will be isolated from the world around it and therefore it will attract maximum attention.
The same applies to magnetic levitation as a marketing tool because you can create a situation where people see something that shouldn’t be possible, therefore triggering interest on the spot. You can imagine what the sight of a floating object does in combination with social media.
Furthermore, the concept of Maglev technology can hold a significant value for designers. On the one hand it can focus the attention to your design as a means of presentation. On the other hand, floating technology can become an integrated part of your design as a feature.
In the end, levitation technology is just a lot of fun and anybody with a love for technology can tinker with our products.